Meet Zaim Rosli, a visionary Malaysian director with a passion for all things technical. With a diverse range of hobbies fueling his thirst for knowledge, Zaim's curiosity knows no bounds. Originally trained in mechanical engineering, he discovered his true calling in the world of photography, which eventually led him to the dynamic realm of film directing. For Zaim, filmmaking is the ultimate medium to convey profound emotions and captivating narratives.
Zaim's storytelling approach is nothing short of innovative, blending his technical expertise with an artistic eye to create visually stunning and emotionally resonant films. His exceptional photography skills infuse every frame with a unique and compelling perspective. With an unrelenting imagination and a relentless work ethic, Zaim constantly pushes the limits of what's possible, turning even his most ambitious dreams into reality.
20, Lorong Maarof, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur , 590000 Malaysia
+60 17 482 0829